Payments must be made once you submit your order. If you are booking well in advance of your drop off date, you can make payment closer to your door pickup/terminal drop-off date. For payment information please send us an email.

  • Credit Card – MVS Canada accepts Visa, MasterCard, and American Express by phone. These services are provided by our partner Elavon. A 3% service fee applies to all credit card transactions. Elavon Merchant Services provides thousands of businesses in Canada, convenient and secure payment options.
  • Direct Deposit – You can make a direct payment at any Bank of Montreal branch.
  • Email/Wire Transfer – Please contact our office for more information. E-transfers can be made in multiple submissions if you have a daily limit.
  • Certified Cheque – Please contact our office for more information.

Payments must be made through MVS Canada; our terminals and agents do not accept payments.